The Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium has coordinated several processes to collect quantitative integrated assessment scenarios from the research community. Most notably, this includes scenarios assessed in three Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of Working Group III, the Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C (SR15), and the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of Working Group III. A set of online databases documents the assessed scenarios and makes them available to the scientific community, policy analysts, decision makers and the public at large for easy reuse. These databases are hosted by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) on behalf of the IAMC which has been formalized in a cooperation agreement between the Working Group III TSU of the IPCC, IAMC and IIASA.
In addition, jointly with the Climate Modeling and Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerabilities research communities, the IAMC has coordinated the development of a set of new climate change scenarios. These scenarios are part of a new framework that the three research communities have adopted to facilitate the integrated analysis of future climate impacts, vulnerabilities, adaptation, and mitigation – the so-called “SSP-RCP framework”. The underlying datasets that are provided in two online databases hosted by IIASA on behalf of the IAMC.
Finally, the section showcases datasets elaborated by other IAMC Members, in the effort of providing a thorough platform on existing data on IAMs.
With the same aim, a Zenodo IAMC community for associated data sets has also been established. It makes finding IAMC data sets easy and is curated by the IIASA ECE program. Adding your data set to the Zenodo IAMC is easy and can be done during upload of new data or added to existing data sets. When editing your data set, under ‘Communities’ simply search for ‘IAMC’ and select it. The IIASA Zenodo admin is then notified and can accept your request.
This new opportunity to effectively share data and other material with other fellow researchers, complements the existing IAMC GitHub organization that for some time allows to share and jointly develop source code of models and tools related to IAM research. GitHub and Zenodo can also be used together to make releases of source code citable and via the Zenodo IAMC community easily findable by other IAM researchers.